Treatment Of Constipation In Older Adults

Glycerin or bisacodyl suppositories also aid in moving stool out of the body by providing lubrication and stimulation. Physical activity increases muscle activity in your intestines. If you do not already exercise, talk to your doctor about whether you are healthy enough to start an exercise program.When you fail to eat adequate amounts of fiber, t

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Constipation; Symptoms, Causes, Treatment & Prevention

For example, trying to have a bowel movement 15 to 45 minutes after breakfast may help, because eating helps your colon move stool. Dehydration is one of the most common reasons for constipation. When you are dehydrated, there's less water available to help soften your stool and as a result, it becomes hard and difficult to pass. On the other hand,

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Isometric Exercise For The Cervical Extensors Can Help Resto

Two-way repeated measure analysis variance was used to examine the within and between groups difference of the outcome measures, and the group x time interaction. Pearson’s correlation coefficient was used to determine the correlation between EMG amplitude and torque production during maximal isokinetic flexion and extension for evaluation of the

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